Thursday, September 11, 2008

Answers to your clinical questions.

Does Oxycontin cause serious and sometimes fatal side effect? How does the medical world feel about it? Are there any suggestions to reduce the dosage of it? The Pink Eye condition, a rather mild name for Acute Conjunctivitis, does it affect the eye sight of the person if left untreated for two consecutive days?

Every second, thousands of such questions are asked by doctors, patients and medical journalists across the world. Do they all have the intention to find instant answers for their queries? I doubt it. But I know 500,000 of the health care professionals are using the medical software developed by Epocrates Inc.

The free Epocrates Online product provides clinicians with rapid access to practical, evidence-based content, including new disease database – condition overview and risk factors, treatment approach, tests to order, national medical society guidelines, and so on.

Please visit for full information.

This announcement was paid for by Epocrates.

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