A casual buyer of gold coins can turn to be a serious rare coins collector if he buys at least one museum quality gold coin from the United States Gold Bureau, world’s largest seller of pure and rare gold and silver coins. Afterwards, he will only buy rare gold coins.
Please see below some of the museum quality gold coins sold by the U.S. Gold Bureau.

* 1796 minted quarter eagle gold coin

* The Indian Princess Head gold coins were minted in 1854
Incidentally, that is how I started collecting rare certified gold coins. I can’t boast of a bagful of gold coins but a certainly a fistful of them.
Museum quality gold coins are generally saved and padded onto future generations and that is why they become museum quality-right?
On the other hand, if a need arises, they can be sold for a profit without any regrets. After all, we can always buy them from the U.S. Gold Bureau.