Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Are you planning for a medical tour?

Mediacl tour? What is that?

Medical tourism is the act of traveling to other countries to obtain medical and surgical care.

India becokens you as a medical tourist. India is now world famous for its exceptional doctors and hospitals with facilities that are envied by western countries.

Above all, the reason for booming medical tourism in India is its cost effectiveness when compared to U.S. or Europe.
For example, you may have to pay around $15,000 for a Chicago facelift, but it will cost only 1/10th in India.

Celebrities from all over the world are flocking to India for cosmetic surgery.

Sagging jaw, falling cheeks, blunted necklike are the causes of concern to beauty conscious people.

The last decade witnessed considerable technological advancement in plastic surgery. It wasn't too long ago that surgeons would approach facelifting by pulling the skin tighter. Unfortunately, this resulted in an unnatural wind blown or stretched look.

But, now, we have newer and better techniques to relocate the deeper tissues and just drape the skin, tension free over the repositioned tissues. This gives a more natural, longer lasting result.

Dr. Steven Dayan, who specializes facelift answers all your questions regarding facelift and its procedure.

The two most common questions are how long it will last and will anybody know that I had it done?

Answers to these questions depend on your underlying anatomy, your individual desires, and how much aging is evident on your face.

Another fear is ‘will my current age qualify for a facelift’?

Irrespective of your age, you can expect a facelift to improve your appearance and personal outlook, but the younger you are, the longer you can expect the facelift results to last.

If you are older, you will experience a more dramatic improvement. However, there is also a greater possibility of tissue rebounding.

Since incisions are hidden behind the ears and in natural skin creases which are well camouflaged, you need be afraid of scars.

Following facelift surgery, you can decide to go home or spend the night in the hospital. You should not have any pain, but we will prescribe medicines to assure your comfort. Ten days to two weeks after surgery, most patients return to normal social activities while enjoying the benefits of a more youthful appearance.
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