Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Learn the new gadgets the right way.

I admit that I am never comfortable with electronic goods but I am very good with the same in virtual mode.(smile)

I mean, there are hundreds of submission software, auto form filling softwares and many more that are my favorites. (aren’t they also portable?) Just kidding.

Ryan Mangels is a small business owner of a website dealing with repair parts and accessories for portable consumer electronics called Micro Portables.

His business credentials include a BS in Business Administration and MBA both from the University of Mary Washington along with several years experience as a former US Government Contract Specialist and Best Buy retail employee.

His desire to have his own small business and love for electronics led him to start Digital Ventures Online, LLC in 2003, which owns microportables.com

Through his Talk Portables blog he hopes to share his passion for portable electronics along with the trials and celebrations of running a small online business with the world (e.g. the Internet community).

He can be reached directly at mangelsr@talkportables.comDiscussion of portable electronics and how electronics impact our lives by making us more mobile.

Written by a former Best Buy employee and current owner of an online electronics store who has long enjoyed every small and shiny gadget out there.
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1 comment:

ybr (alias ybrao a donkey) said...

Gita full text in Roman Script with English translation free access for non commercial use