Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Express yourselves girls.

Girl Sense is the place for pre-teen and teenage girls to get connected with girls from all over the world, express their creativity and skills, and share anything with other girls.

It seemse this is the ultimate space for creative girls!

Without the restraints of school teachers and without your parients glance on your back, GirlSense encourages self-expression and creativity and offers a wide array of unique and sophisticated online tools that enable girls to create, express themselves freely and communicate safely online.

GirlSense is created by the makers of KiddoNet.com, StarNet Interactive, Ltd.

Founded in 2006, StarNet Interactive is a privately held company, a spin-off of Gteko Ltd., with offices near Tel Aviv Israel and in New York City.

Girl Sense is an ideal place for girls to interect and make friends.

Girl Sense says that "the activities on GirlSense are highly interactive. Our unique E-boutiques fashion community with the Fashion Design Studio and E-boutiques Designer, gives girls the sense and feel of real design, with authentic-feeling tools and materials. Girls can create their own personal trends, express their stylistic preferences, make their own fashion statements, and display and market their fashions in their own boutiques.".

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