Monday, June 22, 2009

Math teaching made easy for kindergarten children.

After a month or so, I met an ex-colleague of mine. She is also a Math teacher but she teaches primary school students. She sought my help in dealing with a rather dull male kid who refuses to score more than 5 marks out of 100.

Before my appointment with my friend, I had prepared myself on how I am going to help her. I know of a wonderful website called Dream Box, a sort of educational portal for kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade math students.

The teaching methodology used in Dream Box involves games that provide an in-depth math curriculum and completely individualized learning.

In fact, I would not use the word math game; it is rather math adventures. This doesn't mean the standard of teaching is compromised. It is on the contrary.
All the 350 math lessons are based on the standard stipulated by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics standards.

The website itself is beautifully designed and indicates to the visitors what is inside, the hallmark of excellent web content.

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