If you happen to search for Zoloft lawsuit , you may find yourself directed to a YouTube video. Don’t be surprised. Watch that one minute video and at the end of it, you will see the official website of Zoloft lawsuit maintained by popular product liability claims lawyers O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath who handle most of legal claims filed by the victims of Zoloft, the most prescribed anti-depressant pill in the U.S.
Birth defects due to Zoloft:
Taken prenatally, Zoloft can result in serious birth defects. This was detected only recently and that too not by all women who used Zoloft during their pregnancy.
This harmful side effect was investigated by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and they concluded that fetuses exposed to Zoloft during early pregnancy are more than twice as likely to be at risk for heart defects.
Zoloft Lawsuit
First, inquirers (victims who explore the possibility of filing Zoloft lawsuit) are given a free consultation by the Zoloft lawsuit attorneys. When they find that there is valid legal case, they go ahead filing the Zoloft lawsuit if the victims want to claim compensation for their sufferings.