Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Fantastic Blog Search Engine.

I stumbled onto this great useful site while reading my local daily 'The Hindu'.

How do find good blogs in a specific topic? We open Technorati or Blogdigger etc and search for blogs dealing with a specific topic.

But Sphere is not just a blog search engine but offers something significance.
This is a search engine cum bookmarking site.

Like any bookmarking site, you add their tool "Sphere it" to your Links.

For example, you are reading this post and you go to your Links and click "Sphere it".
Now Sphere will analyse the content of this post, and presents you search rsults with links to other web sites that match the content of the page you are viewing currently.

You can also serach the Sphere with specific keywords.

Try it and you will realise its utility.

Kindly Bookmark and Share it:

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